I have the scoop on the High School Musical 3 Extended Edition DVD Deleted Scenes.
Some of the deleted scenes are in the extended film and some are from the deleted scenes section of the dvd.
The deleted scenes are:
- Right Here, Right Now (Balcony Scene)
- Extended Now Or Never Scene
- Zeke asks Sharpay to Prom (No Cookies)
- Donny and Jimmie Make Some Noise
- Troy's Talk
- Sharpay's Yearbook Pics
- Tiara's Snooping
- Taylor and Gabriella's Future Talk
- Sharpay and Tiara Hanging Musical Posters
- Troy and Gabriella at the Lockers
- Gabriella Overhears Something
- Extended Graduation
- Sharpay's Extended Mirror Scene
- Extended Wildcat Party Scene
- Donny Warns Sharpay
- Extended Spring Musical
Here's some pictures of the scenes as well.
Hey it's Bigbrolv. Also, there is a deleted scene with Kelsi and Ryan where Ryan asks Kelsi if they can meet at the piano room. It's in the script
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Is there anywhere to find video clips for these
I have the extended version and half of these aren't in it? Where did you see them at
I forgot to put the comma between after the word came
I men at to say it in the number chart way my bad those extended scenes were also in deluxe extended edition I like those extended an deluxe extended Here's More scenes the were deleted that I like to watch - 17.Troy announced the wildcats team about their lucky socks before "now or never", 18.Extended wildcat party kelsi dj and people jumping on trampoline scenes,19 Ryan meets Tiara gold,20.Extended Homeroom with Ms.Darbus,21.Extended Troy and Chad steals Jimmy and Donny clothes and ran away, 22.Jimmie plays his guitar scene,23.Troy came to the east high gym warns chad its time for prom while he shoots his basketball that scenes was before " night to remember",24.Jason flirts with Martha while hanging posters,25.Jimmie and Donny has funky socks in both lockers after the scene tiara took over sharpay's locker.
Is there another edition that includes more deleted scenes? Because I got the extended edition and I've looked at the deleted scenes section and it only has the ones that can be found on YouTube (which don't include some of the deleted scenes that are mentioned above)
Also Jimmy “Rocketman” Zara Plays His Guitar, Extended Juilliard Future Scene, And Extended Senior Prank Scene
Also The Scenes With Extended Juilliard Future Statement Scene + Extended Senior Prank Scene + Jimmy “Rocketman” Plays His Guitar Scene + Troy & Chad Shoots Basketball Before Prom Scene
Also The Extended Scenes With Juilliard Future Statement + East High Senior Prank Lockers Room + Jimmy Zare Plays His Guitar + Chad Shoots His Basketball Before Prom.
And Also The Extended Scenes With Juilliard Future Statement, East High Senior Pranks At Locker Room, Jimmy Zara Plays His Guitar, Chad Shoots His Basketball Before Prom.
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